Search results: Displaying results 201 - 300 of 1139
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Connor | Robt | Leitrim | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connor | Andrew | Leitrim | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Conogan | Jas | Coroughsallagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Corcoran | Jas | Clonfad | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Corcoran | Thady | Clonfad | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Corcoran | Pat | Clonfad | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Corcoran | Dank | Clonfad | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coridannan | Peter | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Corlu | Jas | Carrowgariff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Corney | Margaret | Turlougnamaduff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Corridge | Ml | Clonshower | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Corrigan | Pat | Carrowgariff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cose | Wm | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cose | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Cosgrave | Anne | Loughglynn Town | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Costella | Michl | Coroughsallagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Costello | Michl | Cloonshanvill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coury | Domk | Cloonbonny | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coury | Domk | Clooncagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cox | Pat | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cox | William | Sheepwalk | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Crawley | Jas | Aughabor | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Crawley | Pat | Tullyartagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Crawly | Pat | Cloonshanvill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Crean | Stephen | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Creaton | Jas | Moyne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Creatow | Jas | Moyne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cregg | Thos | Clonshower | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cregg | Pat | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cregg | Michl | Parkeel | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cregg | Michl | Parkeel | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cregg | John | Tybohen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Crofton | John | Gurteganny | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cronine | Pat | Rakery | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cruise | Mullen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Cuffe | Thomas | Rakery | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cuffe | John | Rook Island | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cuffe | Domk | Rakery | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cuffe | Owen | Tybohen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cullenan | Dowk | Cloonshanvill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cummingham | Sheepwalk | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Cunnane | Michl | Drummod | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunniffe | Bryan | Cloonshanvill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunningham | Bryan | Ballinfuil | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunningham | Michl | Ballinfuil | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunningham | Peter | Ballinfuil | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunningham | Pat | Carrowgariff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunningham | Peter | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunningham | Jas | Mullen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunningham | Martin | Ratra and Cartrow Morrisroe | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunningham | John | Teeruncreva | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunningham | Jas | Turloughree | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunninghane | Pat | Farymount | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cunnningham | Domk | Sheepwalk | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Currigan | John | Creevy | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Currigan | Thos | Creevy | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Currigan | Owen | Creevy | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Currigan | Pat | Carrowhogill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Currigan | Danl | Kiltobranks | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Currigan | John | Kiltobranks | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Currigan | Thos | Kiltobranks | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Currigan | Thady | Lisadealy | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dackry | Edwd | Clonshower | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dalton | Carrownacrockawne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Daly | Aughabor | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Daly | Owen | Coolagary | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
David | James | Sheepwalk | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
De Flyne | Parkeel | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Dean | Pat | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Deary | Michl | Sheepwalk | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Deary | James | Sheepwalk | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Denny | Michl | Sheepwalk | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dermont | Pat | Carrowgariff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dermot | W | Drummod | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Thos | Aughadrislin | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | John | Cartron Dillon | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Pat | Cartron Dillon | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Arthur | Cartron Dillon | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Thos | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Dillon | Jas | Carrowhogill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Thos | Knockmore | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Thos | Mullen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Thos | Moyne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Thos | Moyne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dillon | Moyne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Dillow | Carrowhogill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Dillow | Jas | Carrowhogill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dinguan | James | Teeruncreva | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dockry | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Dockry | John | Raheely | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dogherty | Philim | Cloonmall | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dogherty | Edmd | Carrowhogill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dogherty | John | Carrownacrockawn | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dolan | Darby | Aughadrislin | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dolan | Darby | Carrowhogill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dolan | John | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dolan | Pat | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dolan | John | Feigh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Dolan | Darby | Feigh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
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