Search results: Displaying results 101 - 200 of 1139
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Caar | Michl | Kiltobranks | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cafferkey | Peter | Coroughsallagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cahil | John | Clonard | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cahill | John | Clonard | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cahill | Thomas | Curcummeen and Graffagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | John | Clegernaght | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Michl | Carrowgariff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | John | Carrowgariff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | John | Creevy | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Michl | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Patt | Grallagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Michl | Leitrim | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Pat | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Patrick | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Michl | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Thady | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Cormick | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Andrew | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | E | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Luke | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Andy | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Hugh | Lissgarrow | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Pat | Lissgarrow | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Luke | Lissgarrow | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Hugh | Mullen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Andrew | Mullen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Thady | Mullen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Cormick | Ratra and Cartrow Morrisroe | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Bryan | Tybohen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Thos | Tybohen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | P | Teeruncreva | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Martin | Tybohen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghan | Martin | Teeruncreva | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaghna | Thady | Rakery | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callaly | James | Sheepwalk | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callary | Michl | Cloonbonny | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callery | Cornelius | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Callghan | Peter | Lisacorke | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carane | John | Barnacally | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carane | Thudy | Barnacally | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carane | Michl | Grallagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carane | John | Stone Park | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Careny | John | Loughglynn Town | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carhon | Jas | Clegernaght | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carney | Lewis | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carney | Mathew | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carrol | James | Gurteganny | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carroll | John | Buckhill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carroll | John | Clonard | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carty | Thos | Kiltobranks | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carty | Gilbert | Parkeel | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carty | Gilbert | Parkeel | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Carty | John | Rakery | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casey | Pat | Aughadrislin and Moyne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casey | Denis | Aughadrislin and Moyne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casey | Pat | Carrowgariff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casey | John | Carrowgariff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casey | Frank | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casey | Jas | Farymount | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casey | Thos | Rakery | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casey | Edwd | Tullyartagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casey | Pat | Tullyartagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Caseys | John | Mullen | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Casserty | Paul | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cassidy | Thos | Clegernaght | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cassidy | Bryan | Clegernaght | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cassinly | Mark | Carrowgariff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Castello | Peter | Ballyglass Cloontowant | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Caulfield | Jas | Lisadealy | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Clarke | Michl | Brenemore | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cliffoprd | Henry | Coroughsallagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Clifford | Henry | Carrowhogill | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Clifford | Henry | Cloonargid and Cloonacolly | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Clifford | Henry | Kiltiman | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coan | Martin | Feigh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coan | Jas | Feigh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coffee | Pat | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coffee | Thomas | Tullyartagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coffee | Pat | Tullyartagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Cofferkey | Laurence | Lisadealy | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coleman | Pat | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coleman | John | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Colvan | Robt | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coneannon | Andy | Driminagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Coneannow | Michl | Curraghard | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connelly | Wm | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connelly | Martin | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connelly | Pat | Loughglynn Town | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connolly | Terence | Commons of Frenchpark | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connolly | Hugh | Moyne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connolly | Hugh | Moyne | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connolly | Franken | Rakery | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connolly | Joseph | Turlougnamaduff | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connor | Laurence | Barnacally | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connor | Darby | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connor | Pat | Curscagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connor | Robt | Cleragh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connor | Robt | Eden | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
Connor | Eden | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 | |
Connor | Grallagh | Tibohine | Roscommon | 1825 |
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