Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 284
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Landfords | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Ackland | John | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Adams | Peter | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Adams | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Allen | Peter | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Ally | Coofer of Drogheder | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Balfour | B J | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Ball | Geo | Ballygrove | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Barhen | William | St Mary | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Barka | Willm | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Bathford | John | St Mary | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Beaghan | Owen | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Beglan | Owen | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Benill | Betty | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Black | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Bogan | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Boylan | Patk | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Boyle | Road | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Brein | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Brien | Mich | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Brylag | Patk | St Mary | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Byrne | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Byrne | James | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Caffrey | Henry | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Callaghan | Coofer of Drogheder | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Campbell | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Campbell | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Carlin | Thos | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carness | Willm | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carney | John | Coofer of Drogheder | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carney | John | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carney | John | St Mary | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carny | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Carrell | Lawrence | St Mary | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carroll | Levi | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carroll | Lau | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carroll | Lauce | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carter | Pat | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cartin | Lan | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cartin | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Cartin | Bartw | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cartin | James | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carton | Bart | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carty | Thos | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Carty | Thos | St Mary | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Casmir | William | St Mary | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cassidy | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Cavines | Wm | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cavines | Wm | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cayle | Christopher | St Mary | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Clack | John | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Clark | James | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Clark | Matt | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Clark | John | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Clifford | Danl | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Clinton | Brien | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Clinton | Willm | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Clinton | Wm | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cluskey | James | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cluskey | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Coe | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Coleman | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Collins | Coofer of Drogheder | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Collins | M | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Connel | Js Homan | St Mary | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Connolly | John | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Connor | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Cook | John | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cook | John | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cooke | John | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Couines | Wm | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cowley | John | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Coyle | Chris | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Crawfod | Jas | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Crawford | J | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Crawley | Law | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Crolly | Thos | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Crolly | Lau | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cully | Arthur | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cunnion | Daniel | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Cuslow | John | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Daly | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Daly | Patk | Legavoven | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Daly | Patk | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Daw | Simon | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Devins | Brianstown | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Deymian | Wm | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Dilahunt | James | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Dodd | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Dolohan | Thos | Legavoun | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Dow | Patk | Road | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Dowd | Eliza | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Dowerey | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Duffy | Nichs | Road | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Duffy | Patk | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Dun | Mary | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Earl | Chas | St Marys | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Early | Legavoren | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 | |
Edwards | Frederick | St Mary Drogkeda | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Edwards | Frederick | St Mary Drogkeda | St Mary's Drogheda | Meath | 1834 |
Next 100
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