Search results: Displaying results 1 - 10 of 11
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Copiland | John | Raymunterdony and Tulloghobegly | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 |
Irwine | David | Raymunterdony and Tulloghobegly | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 |
Himstown | Catherine | Raymunterdony and Tulloghobegly | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 |
Copelan | John | Raymunterdony and Tulloghobegly | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 |
Monterney | John | Ryemuntsedoney and Clondahork | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 |
Stewert | Alexander | Ryemuntsedoney and Clondahork | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 |
Hart | Ryemuntsedoney and Clondahork | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 | |
Stewert | A | Ryemuntsedoney and Clondahork | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 |
Stewert | Chas | Ballyfod Upper and Lower Ray | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 |
Killen | Edmond | Ballyfod Upper and Lower Ray | Raymunterdoney | Donegal | 1826 |
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