Search results: Displaying results 1 - 10 of 32
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Dervin | James | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
Scott | Thos | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
Devin | And | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
Foss | Thos | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
Kerns | Bartle | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
Byrne | Charles | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
Kerns | Pat | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
Ryan | John | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
Byrne | Edwd | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
Brien | Anne | Highfield,Patrickswell Rathreagh | Rathvilly | Carlow | 1826 |
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