Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 146
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Allen | Philip | Gadderstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Allen | Philip | Soonna and Kildollan | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Auston | William | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Auston | John | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Banon | Thomas | Cartron | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Behan | Patrick | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Behan | John | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Brabazon | John | Soonna and Kildollan | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Brabazon | William | Rogerstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Brennan | Brian | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Brennan | Jas | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Brennan | Jere | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Canna | Bernard | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Carley | James | Ballyoat | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Carmick | Michael | Johnstown, Nugents | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Cassarly | Christopher | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Casserly | William | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Clark | Owen | Sigane | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Clark | James | Slanebeg | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Clark | Brian | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Clark | Owen | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Connell | Patrick | Slanebeg | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Cormick | Thomas | Johnstown, Nugents | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Cormick | John | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Cormick | Simon | Johnstown, Nugents | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Cormick | Patrick | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Crenicon | John | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Deighnam | Gadderstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 | |
Donally | James | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Donally | Brian | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Donnaly | Michael | Cartron | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Dowd | Thomas | Gadderstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Doyle | Thomas | Slanebeg | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Doyle | Patrick | Slanebeg | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Eural | Brian | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Eurial | Gadderstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 | |
Evers | John | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Farrell | Peter | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Farrell | Michael | Rogerstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Finegan | Laurence | Cartron | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Flemming | James | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Flemming | Theabt | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Gainer | Mathew | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Gainer | Peter | Slane More and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Gainor | Michael | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Gainor | Chrisr | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Gallagher | Ann | Sigane | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Giraghty | Danial | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Gormley | Edward | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Gormley | Patrick | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Hackett | John | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Hagarty | Ellen | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Hagarty | John | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Hallian | Terrance | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Ham | John | Cartron | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Ham | John | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Ham | Richard | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Ham | Richard | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Ham | Richard | Coolnahea | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Ham | Richard | Knockacroovy | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Hanley | Patrick | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Haslam | Martin | Johnstown, Nugents | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Heary | Patrick | Soonna and Kildollan | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Henry | Joseph | Foran | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Hughs | Michal | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Kallican | Johnstown, Nugents | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 | |
Keegan | Thomas | Cartron | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Keena | Shandona | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 | |
Keeny | Hugh | Cartron | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Kenedy | Andrew | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Kennedy | Nicholas | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Kerican | Margaret | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Kericon | Patrick | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Kericon | Brian | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Leavy | James | Gadderstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Leavy | Michael | Soonna and Kildollan | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Leavy | Patrick | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Leavy | John | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Leavy | John | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Lestrange | James | Shandona | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Lowran | Gadderstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 | |
Lowran | Jas | Gadderstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Lowran | James | Gadderstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Lowran | James | Soonna and Kildollan | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Lowran | James | Cartron | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Lynch | Christopher | Slanebeg | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Lynch | Edward | Slanebeg | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Marten | Christy | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Martin | Bernard | Ballyoat | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Martin | Ellin | Ballyoat | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Mathews | George | Slanebeg | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Mcdonald | Andrew | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Mcdonald | James | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Mckown | Michal | Slanemore and Clondardis | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Mcloughlin | James | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Mcloughlin | Edward | Ballyedward | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Mcmanus | Hugh | Parcelstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Mcmanus | Arthur | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Mcmanus | Arthur | Templeoran or Piersfield | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Molphy | Thomas | Johnstown | Templeoran | Westmeath | 1833 |
Next 100
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