Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 194
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Adding | D | Kiltotan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Arthur | James | Kiltotan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Arthur | Pat | Kiltotan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Arthur | James | Kiltotan And Clonmass | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Arthur | Patk | Kiltotan And Clonmass | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Bagnall | William | Kiltotan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Bagnall | Toryboggan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Baker | John | Rahanine | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Balfour | B T | West | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Bayhan | James | Beggars Bridge | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Black | John | West | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Bollard | Farthingstonw | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Bollard | John | Farthingstonw | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Bollard | Farthingstonw | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Boyd | G A | Killirenan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Boyhan | Farthingstonw | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Buckley | John | Kilbrennan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Buckley | Maurice | Kilbrennan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Caddle | George | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Caddle | George | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Caddle | Andrew | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Caddle | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Caddle | Andrew | Piercetown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Caddle | Walter | Piercetown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Campbell | Thomas | Piercetown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Carew | Thom | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Carty | John | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Carty | Patrick | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Carty | Flynn | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Carty | Pat | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Claven | William | High And Low Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Claven | James | High And Low Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Coffy | Christopher | High And Low Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Coffy | Chas | Castlelost | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Coffy | Christopher | Newcastle | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Collinder | Michael | High And Low Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connell | Patrick | Farthingstonw | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connell | Richard | West | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connell | Peter | West | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connell | Richard | Clontytallon | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connell | Patrick | Toryboggan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connell | Richard | Derry | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connell | Walter | Beggars Bridge | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connell | Peter | Beggars Bridge | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connell | Walter | Castlelost | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Connels | Lower Oldtown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Connor | Thomas | High And Low Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Cooke | Patrick | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Cosgrave | Peter | Beggars Bridge | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Cunningham | Thos | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Cunningham | Thomas | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Cunningham | Michael | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Cushley | Thos | Rahanine | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Dalton | Edward | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Debo | Joseph | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Dunbar | Thomas | Rahanine | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Dunne | Patrick | High And Low Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Dunne | Richard | High And Low Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Dunne | West | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Dunne | James | West | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Dunne | Thos | Rahanine | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Eighan | Castlelost | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Eldon | Nicholas | Toryboggan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Eldon | Nicholas | Rahanine | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Farrell | John | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Forthfield | Kiltotan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Francis | High And Low Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Fynme | Charles | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gavan | Patrick | Kiltotan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gavan | Thomas | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gavan | Laurence | Derry | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gavan | James | Derry | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gavan | Thomas | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gavan | Pat | Ballymollin | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gavans | Lower Oldtown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Gaven | Thomas | Piercetown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gaven | James | Piercetown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gaven | Patrick | Kilbrennan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gaven | John | West | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Geraghty | Peter | Farthingstonw | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Geraghty | Thomas | Piercetown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Geraghty | Thomas | Piercetown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Geraghty | Patrick | Toryboggan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gibbons | Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Giraghty | Thomas | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Goraghty | Thomas | Upper Oldtown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gorman | Thomas | Sidebrook | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Gorman | Thomas | Castlelost | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Graham | Henry | Farthingstonw | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Graham | Henry | Toryboggan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Hafforts | Lower Oldtown | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 | |
Henry | James | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Highland | John | Gnewbaun | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Highland | John | High And Low Garrons | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Hoey | William | Kilbrennan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Hofford | Patrick | Farthingstonw | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Horans | John | Kiltotan | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Hughes | James | Farthingstonw | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Hughes | James | Castlelost | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Hughes | Peter | Castlelost | Castlelost | Westmeath | 1824 |
Next 100
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