Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 310
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Achadalls | Henry | Carrickroe | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Adele | John | White Church | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Alpher | Richd | Knocknnerooky | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Anhdalls | Henry | Canty | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Arcdalls | Henry | Cappugh | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Archdall | Henry | Ballylemonwood and Woodlands | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Archdall | Henry | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Archdall | Henry | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Archdall | Henry | Killeeshal | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Archdall | Henry | Whitechurch | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Archdall | Henry | Whitechurch | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Archdall | Henry | Whitechurch | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Archdall | Henry | White Church | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Argan | Michael | White Church | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Arnold | Frans | Canty | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Arnold | Frans | Killgreany | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Bagge | John | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Bagge | Patrick | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Banes | James | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Barret | Pat | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Barron | Ballymullala East | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 | |
Barry | Gurrannfantha | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 | |
Barry | Michael | Killerskat | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Bluet | Mauce | Ballymullala East | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Bluet | Margt | Ballymullala East | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Bluet | Pat | Ballymullala East | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Bluet | John | Kilenasarna | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Boate | George | Ballymullala Wood | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Bourke | Patrick | Knocknnerooky | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Bowe | Wm | Canty | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | Pat | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | Darby | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | Simon | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | Simon | Ballentaylor Mountain | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | Thos | Ballygambon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | Richd | Ballygambon Upper | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | James | Ballymullala West | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | Thos | Ballymullala West | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | John | Cool | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Brien | Wm | Knockann | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Broderick | John | Kilenasarna | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Broderick | Pat | Kilenasarna | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Browne | William | Ballinameelagh | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Bryan | James | Ballymullala East | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Burke | Pat | Ballylemon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Burke | James | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Burke | Thos | Ballyhane | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Burke | Wm | Magaha | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Burke | Thos | Magaha | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Cady | Daniel | Cappugh | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Cahill | Thos | Glouvavander | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Cahill | Thos | Killerskat | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Carherry | Andrew | Ballylemon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Cashmane | John | Ballymullala East | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Christopher | Pat | Knockaculling | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Church | Mary | Whitechurch | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Colbert | John | Canty | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Colbert | Michael | Canty | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Cole | John | Carrickroe | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Collander | Walter | Magaha | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Collonder | Walter | Ballyhane | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Connel | John | Ballygambon Upper | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Connel | Thos | Killgreany | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Connel | Pat | Magaha | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Connery | Michael | Ballylemon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Connery | James | Ballyhane | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Connory | Michael | Ballylemon Commons | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Coppinger | Wm | Ballygambon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Costin | Denis | Ballygambon Upper | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Cunningham | John | Canty | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Cunninghan | John | Knocknnerooky | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Currey | W | White Church | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Dacy | John | Ballylemon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Dawer | John | Ballylemon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Dee | Honora | Ballygambon Upper | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Dee | Richd | Canty | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Dower | Thos | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Downing | Patrick | Ballyhane | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Ducy | Margt | Ballylemon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Ducy | Margt | Killeeshal | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Ducy | John | Killeeshal | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Ducy | Pat | Killeeshal | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Duggan | David | Ballylemon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Duggan | Thos | Knockaculling | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Dunn | James | Kilenasarna | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Dunne | Richd | Knockaculling | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Dunne | Margt | Whitechurch | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Eagan | Mauce | Ballintaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Eagan | Patrick | Ballintaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Eagan | Thos | Ballintaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Eagan | Richard | Kilenafarna | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Evans | John | Killeeshal | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Evans | Michael | Killerskat | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Fahy | John | Magaha | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Fennesey | John | Knockaculling | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Fierney | Patrick | Ballygambon Upper | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Fitzgerald | Maurice | Ballentaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Fitzgerald | James | Ballygambon Upper | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Fletcher | Roger | Ballylemon | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Flynn | Michael | Ballintaylor | Whitechurch | Waterford | 1831 |
Next 100
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