Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 510
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Johna | Jallow | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 | |
? | Wm | Jallas | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Ahern | John | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Ahern | Wm | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Ahern | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 | |
Ahern | Timy | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Ahern | Edwd | Killcalf | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Ahern | Martin | Killcalf | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Ahern | Martin | Killbegs | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Armour | John | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Armour | Jno | Glenaboy | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Arnold | Jno | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Arnold | John | Barnahely | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Ashe | Jeremiah | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Baldwin | Thos | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Banon | Wm | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Banor | Patk | Springfield or Carrigree West | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Barnett | Richard | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Barnidge | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 | |
Barnidge | Loughnasollis | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 | |
Barrett | Patk | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Barrett | Jilea | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Barry | Thos | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bart | Geo Farmer | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bible | Barnahely | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 | |
Blackwood | Jno | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bodles | Spotswood | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Sportswood | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 | |
Bowles | Spotswood | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Barnahely | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Old Jorge,Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Killcaly | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Killcalf | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Killbegs | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bowles | Spotswood | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Boyce | John | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Boyce | Thos | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Boyce | Jno | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Boyce | Thos | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Boyce | Thos | Old Jorge,Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Boye | Timothy | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Brien | Mathw | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Brien | Francis | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Brien | Dennis | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Brien | John | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Brien | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 | |
Brien | John | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Brien | James | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Brien | Daniel | Ballyhander and Carrigroe | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Brien | Mathw | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Brien | Thos | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Britt | Pierce | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Browne | Chrstr | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Browne | Jans | Glenaboy | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bucher | John | Barnahely | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bucher | Michl | Killcalf | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Buckmaster | Jno | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Budrick | Johanh | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Bule | Loughnasollis | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 | |
Burke | Richard | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Burn | John | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Cahill | Thos | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Cahill | Patk | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Callahan | John | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Callahan | Con | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Callahan | Jno | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Cangley | Thos | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Canithe | John | Jallas | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Canoll | Michl | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Caoty | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 | |
Caples | Mauce | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carey | Mauce | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carrole | Edwd | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carrole | David | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carrole | Owen | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carrole | Mauce | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carrole | James | Barnahely | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carrole | Jeremy | Killcaly | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carroll | John | Killwinny | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carroll | Jeremy | Killbegs | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carter | John | Jallas | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carty | Thos | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carty | Edwd | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carty | Cuddy | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carty | Jno | Plowland | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carty | Danl | Killbegs | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Carty | John | Killbegs | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Casey | Wm | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Casey | Patk | Town Land | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Cashman | Wm | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Cashman | John | Town Lands | Tallow | Waterford | 1825 |
Next 100
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