Search results: Displaying results 201 - 300 of 482
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Fullen | John | Cherryfield | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Funy | Frank | Cargeen | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Gilligan | John | Kilmarial | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Gilligan | John | Kilmarial | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | D F | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | J | Ovane | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | J | Greeve | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | J | Culleen West | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | Oliver | Bracklin | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | Oliver | Eden and Cinclare | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | O J D | Mantua | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | Oliver | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | Oliver | Roscomroe | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | Oliver | Shawhill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | O D | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | O D J | Culleen West | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | J | Lisbouy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | Oliva | Bracklin | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | J | Ballyroddy | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | Oliver | Eden and Cunlare | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | O J L | Mantua | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | O D T | Cargeen | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grace | O D T | Toxlail | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grannon | Patt | Eden and Cinclare | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grehan | Michl | Cartonlabough | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Grehan | Michl | Cartonlabough | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Griffin | Michl | Ballyroddy | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Griffin | Michl | Toxlail | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Griffith | Michl | Fortail | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Guffin | Michl | Ballypoddy | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Hanagan | Edmd | Fortail | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Hanly | Michl | Lisboy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Harkan | Luke | Cartonagur | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Harkan | Luke | Cartonagun | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Harly | Fras | Lisboy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Harly | Michl | Lisboy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Hester | Eden and Cinclare | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 | |
Hester | Connor | Mantua | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Hester | Eden and Cunlare | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 | |
Hester | Thady | Garryford | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Hestod | Thady | Garryford | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Higgins | Thady | Bracklin | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Higgins | Connor | Mantua | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Higgins | Thady | Bracklin | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Higgins | Connor | Mantua | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Hister | Connor | Mantua | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keagh | Mathias | Ballyroddy | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keane | Thomas | Cherryfield | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keane | Thos | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keenane | Michl | Baranagh | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keenane | Michl | Baranagh | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keigher | Peter | Ballypoddy | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keigher | Peter | Cartonlabough | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keigher | Peter | Ballyroddy | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keigher | Peter | Cartonlabough | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kelly | Francis | Cloonieffer | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kelly | P | Garryford | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kelly | James | Kilmarial | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kelly | John | Kilmarial | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kelly | Fras | Clooniefer | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kelly | P | Garryford | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kelly | James | Kilmarial | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kelly | John | Kilmarial | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kenney | J | Kilmarial | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kenny | Bracklin | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 | |
Kenny | Edwd | Eden and Cinclare | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kenny | Bracklin | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 | |
Kenny | Edmd | Eden and Cunlare | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keogh | Mathw | Ballypoddy | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keogh | James | Cartonlabough | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keogh | Jas | Cartonlabough | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keon | Barthe | Cherryfield | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Keow | Bartle | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Kynn | Bryan | Garryford | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannon | Lacky | Cherryfield | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannon | John | Cherryfield | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannon | Robt | Cherryfield | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannon | Patt | Cherryfield | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannon | Peter | Cherryfield | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannon | Patt | Lisboy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannon | Patt | Lisboy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannow | Lackey | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannow | John | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannow | Peter | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannow | Robt | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Lannow | Patt | Shankill | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Macullob | Patt | Ovane | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Maculloh | Patt | Ovane | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Macullough | Patt | Cullen East | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Macullough | Patt | Culleen Cast | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Madden | Malachy | Lisboy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Madden | Thos | Lisboy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Madden | Malachy | Lisboy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Madder | Thomas | Lisboy or Newtown | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Magrath | John | Culleen West | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Magrath | Thos | Culleen West | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Mannion | Barth | Mantua | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Mannion | Barthe | Mantua | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Martin | Thos | Culleen West | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
Martin | John | Cartonlabough | Shankill | Roscommon | 1824 |
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