Search results: Displaying results 301 - 310 of 310
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Ward | John | Killahorne | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
Ward | Patt | Cuilleen Woodpark | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
Whelan | Lauce | Church Hill | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
Whelan | Jud J | Ruane And Houla | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
Whelan | Danl | Ashford | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
White | Winney | Beagh | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
White | Jas | Beagh | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
White | Denis | Beagh | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
Whiteside | Henry | Claghbeg Little Claugh | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
Woods | Nancy | Kilgarrow | Creagh | Roscommon | 1825 |
Previous 100
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