Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 132
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Andrews | Pat | Pourknock | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Armstrong | O | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Arnold | Peter | Whitelays | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Arnold | Peter | Clentstown Mary of Lanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Arnold | Clentstown Mary of Lanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Arnold | Michl | Saddlestown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Arnold | Michl | Grenanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Aylmer | Lady | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Bennett | George | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Bolton | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Boylan | Pat | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Boylan | John | Clentstown Mary of Lanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Boylan | Thos | Gibloughstown Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Boyland | Nichs | Ballystrand | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Brennan | Thos | Grenanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Brennan | Thos | Saddlestown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Bunnett | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Byrne | Henry | Balloy | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Byrne | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Caddle | Richd | Sholouge Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Caddle | Richd | Dawstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Caddle | Richd | Herbertstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Carroll | J | Dawstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Carroll | Thos | Grenanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Carroll | Grenanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Casey | Mark | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Coleman | John | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Collier | Michl | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Colton | Francis | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Condiff | Thos | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Coogan | Josh | Whitelays | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Cotton | Francis Robert | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Crawford | Andw | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Curtis | Anty | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Cuthbert | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Daly | Sholouge Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Darby | Henry | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Dempsey | Cornelius | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Devin | Thos | Pourknock | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Duanes | George | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Dutton | William | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Ennis | James | Sholouge Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Fenigan | Pat | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Flemming | Michl | Grenanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Frain | Lauce | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Fullam | Michl | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Fullan | Peter | Pourknock | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Gadolle | Richd | Clentstown Mary of Lanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Gaffrey | John | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Gargan | Hedgestown Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Gaskins | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
George | John | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Goold | Thomas | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Gormanstown | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Gough | Sholouge Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Grace | Matt | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Grace | Matt | Clentstown Mary of Lanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Grady | Wm | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Grehan | Stephen | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Grudy | D | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Guinniss | Robt | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Guthbert | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Haigen | Robert | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Hankes | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Hanlon | Sholouge Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Harford | Matt | Pourknock | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Hoodrooffe | James | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Hughes | John | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Kavaragh | A | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Keegan | Sholouge Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Kelly | Willm | Herbertstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Kettlewell | Sholouge Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Kooney | Patk | Balloy | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Kooney | Patk | Kilbrickstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Krochogh | Hamilton | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Langan | John | Sholouge Mary of Lansatown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Langan | Saddlestown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 | |
Langan | John | Grenanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Langan | Peter | Saddlestown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Langan | Chrisr | Lacystown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Leonard | Patk | Balloy | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Long | Thos | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Magee | Wm Jno | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Mccabe | Thos | Grenanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Mccabe | Wm | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Mcconnell | John | Pourknock | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Mccourt | Richd | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Moran | L | Dawstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Moran | Chris | Dawstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Morgan | James | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Motton | Frans | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Motton | Frans | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Murphy | Wm | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Nolan | Richd | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Nolan | Pat | Stamullin | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Oneill | John | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Osoole | Peter | Gormanstown | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Panncelote | Robert | Kilmand and Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Plunket | Thos | Pourknock | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Poland | Stillorgan | Stamullin | Meath | 1834 |
Next 100
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