Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 296
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
John | Oldcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Thomas | Oldcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Bardon | Thomas | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Bardon | Michael | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Batrim | James | Conebawn | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Batters | Thos | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Battersby | Thomas | Old Tully | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Baylon | Lower Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Beggan | Bryan | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Beggan | Hugh | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Beggan | Hugh | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Beggan | Bryan | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Bell | George | Cortshanmone | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Booker | Lyss | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Booker | Cortshanmone | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Booker | Benjamin | Cortshanmone | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Booker | Knocknahattin | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Bradley | Patt | Lower Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Brady | Charles | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Brady | Bryan | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Brady | Hugh | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Brady | Michael | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Brady | Terence | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Brady | Hugh | Belleneill | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Brady | Bog and Gardens | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Brady | Hugh | Knocknahattin | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Brady | Phil | Oldcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Bray | John | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Bray | Simon | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Brooker | Oldcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Brown | G | Brenan | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Caddon | Luke | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Caffry | James | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Caffry | Bryan | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Cahill | Mathw | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Carroll | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Carrolls | Peter | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Carrolls | John | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Cassidy | Luke | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Cassidy | Luke | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Chance | Francis | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Chellen | Robt | Brenan | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Colgan | Philip | Tecbride | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Comesky | Terence | Clonifodd | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Comesky | Patt | Tecbride | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Conelle | Jno | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Coyle | Thomas | Belleneill | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Crawley | Patt | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Crow | Thomas | Sky Farm | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Curnek | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Dalton | John | Belleneill | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Dalton | Patt | Sky Farm | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Daly | Hugh | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Devine | James | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Devine | Patt | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Devine | Peter | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Dolen | James | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Donahoe | Thomas | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Dowell | John | Knocknahattin | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Doyle | Connor | Knocknahattin | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Doyle | Connor | Knocknahattin | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Eagan | Jeffrey | Obunnan | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Eagar | Jeffrey | Ballymcelligott | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Emoe | Michl | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Emoe | Michael M | Conebawn | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Entee | William | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fagan | James | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fagan | John | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fagan | James | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fagan | John | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fagan | Charles | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fagan | Oldcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Fagans | Knocknahattin | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Farrell | Gerrald | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Farrell | Owen | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Farrell | Michael | Clonifodd | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Farrell | Andrew | Oldcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Farrelly | Bryan | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Farrelly | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Farrelly | James | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Farrelly | John | Clonifodd | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Farrelly | Bog and Gardens | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Fighe | Jas | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fighe | Lauce | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fighe | Patt | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fitzsimons | Philip | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fitzsimons | Chas | Lower Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fitzsimons | Lower Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 | |
Flanagan | Nicholas | Clonifodd | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fleming | William | Oldcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Flood | Richd | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Flood | William | Belleneill | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Flood | William | Knockmacoony | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Foresythe | Thos | Knocknahattin | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Formay | Thomas | Tecbride | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Formay | Patt | Tecbride | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fox | John | Stonefield | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Fox | John | Rahard | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Friery | Phelix | Newcastle | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Garry | James | Upper Fennor | Oldcastle | Meath | 1825 |
Next 100
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