Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 157
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Andrews | John | Clatterstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Andrews | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Andrews | Jas | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Andrews | John | Newtown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Barnwall | Clooney | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Barnwell | Ch | Denhamstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Batty | Edward | Ardcath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Boylan | P | Brolstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Boylan | P | Moulstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Boylan | N | Parsley Land | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Boylan | P | Curraghwalls | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Branagan | Patt | Clatterstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Branagan | Patt | Fifteen Acres | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Brannon | Mic | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Branon | Chr | Balgeeth | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Branon | Michl | Balgeeth | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Branon | Balgeeth | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Branon | Thos | Hawkinstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Bryan | Jas | Bonyanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Bryan | Wm | Balgeeth | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Carter Or Dun | Thos | Clatterstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Carthy | Thos | Ardcath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Cashel | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Cassidy | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Cassidy | Balgeeth | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Caulon | Thos | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Cawlin | Thos | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Cawlin | Thos | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Cawlin | John | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Clark | Thos | Clatterstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Clark | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Clyran | Jas | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Codrington | Mat | Fennor | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Collin | Joseph | Bonyanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Connolly | Peter | Irishtown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Connor | Pat | Fennor | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Cox | John | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Dempsey | Clatterstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Dempsey | Jas | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Dempsey | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Dogget | Michl | Moortown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Domigan | N | Moortown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Donagan | Jas | Balgeeth | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Donagan | Hawkinstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Doolan | Rich | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Dornagan | Chr | Moortown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Dowdal | Hawkinstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Dowling | Thos | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Dowling | Andw | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Downey | Jas | Churchland | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Downey | James | Porterstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Duff | Thos | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Duff | Thos | Irishtown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Duffey | John | Moortown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Duffy | Jas | Moortown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Dunn | Bartramstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Eiffe | Patt | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Finegan | Lau | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Fitsimons | John | Clatterstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Fitsimons | Nic | Clatterstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Fleming | Michl | Hawkinstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Galagher | And | Great Malinstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Galagher | And | Little Malinstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gannon | Robt | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gargan | Thos | Fennor | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gargan | Thos | Little Malinstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Garigan | Thos | Newtown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Garigan | Pat | Great Malinstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Garity | Mat | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gaynor | Thos | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gaynor | Patt | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gaynor | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Gibney | N | Moortown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gogan | Patt | Balgeeth | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gormley | Jas | Hawkinstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gormley | Jas | Preeanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Gough | Lau | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Grindon | Jas | Balgeeth | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Hamilton | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Hanlon | Bartle | Moortown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Henry | Lawrence Lloyd | Ardcath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Henry | Lawrence Lloyd | Ardcath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Howard | Peter | Brolstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Howard | Robt | Rath | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Howard | Peter | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Hyland | Moortown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Jones | John | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Kelly | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Kelly | Peter | Irishtown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Kennedy | Lau | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Kennedy | R | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Langan | Jas | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Langan | Preeanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 | |
Langan | Patt | Bartramstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Langan | Patt | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Langan | Mat | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Leonard | Jas | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Levins | Thos | Cloughan | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Levins | Thos | Newtown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Lynam | John | Micknanstown | Ardcath | Meath | 1834 |
Next 100
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