Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 291
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
P | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | ||
Ahern | Owen | Tuss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Ahern | Rowane | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Ahern | Denis | Ballykit | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Ahern | William | Scarl And Libanes | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Allan | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Arden | Ballynatiery | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Barrell | James | Maamroe | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Barrett | Denl | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Barrett | William | Garrydine | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Barrett | John | Clareen | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Barry | John | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Barry | James | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Barry | Francis | Garrydine | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Bary | Jas | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Bastable | Chase | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Beare | Dromdowney Lower | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Becher | Thomas | Rowane | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Begley | Cornels | Ballynatiery | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Begley | C | Dronnrastile | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Bolsler | Humphry | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Brickley | David | Dronnrastile | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Brien | John | Curroghalehano | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Brown | Maurice | Ballyclough | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Brown | Michl | Grain And Croughta | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Brown | Maur | Grain And Croughta | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Brown | Francis | Grain And Croughta | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Brown | Patrick | Rathnee | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Brown | Maurice | Tullahorataro | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Buckley | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Bullen | Robert | Ballythomas | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Bullen | William | Ballythomas | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Cahill | David | Gurtbofinny | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Cahill | Owen | Kilroe | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Callaghan | Timy | Ballythomas | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Callaghan | John | Ballythomas | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Callaghan | John | Ballynatiery | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Callaghan | Carnel | Ballynatiery | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Callaghan | Dens | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Callaghan | John | Kilcranathan | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Callaghan | Eugene | Ballyclough | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Callaghan | John | Ballykit | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Callaghan | Owen | Lisleagh | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Carbil | John | Blossomfiart | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Carpenter | Joseph V | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Carrole | Denis | Grain And Croughta | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Carroll | Daniel | Kilcranathan | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Carver | David | Maamroe | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Carver | John | Grain And Croughta | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Ch* | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | ||
Charge | Lyn R | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Chester | J | Ballyclough | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Chester | J | Blossomfiart | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Chisted | John | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Clayne | Dis | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Cody | Thomas | Scarl And Libanes | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connell | Dennis | Coolnamagh | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connell | Maurice | Dromdowney Upper | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connor | Daniel | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Connor | Phill | Kilroe | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connor | John | Kilroe | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connor | Danl | Grain And Croughta | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connor | Maurice | Grain And Croughta | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connor | Daniel | Lisleagh | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connor | Daniel | Clareen | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connor | Edmd | Clareen | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connors | John | Ballyclough | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connors | James | Ballykit | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Connors | Marty | Rathnee | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Coote | E P | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Coote | E P | Ballyclough | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Coote | E P | Lisleagh | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Coote | Wm | Rathnee | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Coote | E P | Rathnee | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Corbet | James | Scarl And Libanes | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Coughlan | Clareen | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Coughlan | Timy | Dromdowney Upper | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Crake | William | Gurtbofinny | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Crake | James | Rathnee | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Cremin | Danl | Tuss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Cremin | John | Tuss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Crocke | John | Blossomfiart | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Croke | James | Curroghcreen | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Croke | James | Scarl And Libanes | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Croke | James | Scarl And Libanes | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Croke | Robert | Dromdowney Upper | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Croke | John | Dromdowney Upper | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Cromley | John | Kilcranathan | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Cromley | Timy | Kilcranathan | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Cronin | Nicholas | Dromdowney Lower | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Crouin | Catherine | Dromdowney Lower | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Crowe | Michl | Mount North | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Crowley | Michl | Dromdowney Upper | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Cudmare | Edmd | Blossomfiart | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Cudmore | William | Lisleagh | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Dallen | Sobet C | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Dalofery | David | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Dalton | Gurtnagniss | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Daly | Ballythomas | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 | |
Daly | Jerry | Tilgubbin | Ballyclogh | Cork | 1831 |
Next 100
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