Search results: Displaying results 1 - 100 of 299
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Agar | James | Roslee Vullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Bagot | James | Ballenrush | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Bearney | Michl | Straduff | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Billon | Judith | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Bradley | Clonee | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 | |
Bradley | Thomas | Raheenwood and Boldorough | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brennan | Alice | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brennan | Alice | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | Michl | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | John | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | Michl | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | John | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | Christopher | Knockbrack | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | Patt | Ballenacrea | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | Catharine | Warrens Ullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | Murtagh | Sir Richd Ullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | John | Roslee Vullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | Denis | Roslee Vullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brien | George | Knocktrimagh | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brophy | Michl | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Brophy | Michl | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Bryne | Nichl | Shangarry | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Bryne | John | Shangarry | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Butter | Edward | Straduff | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Butter | Wilm | Straduff | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Butter | Malachi | Straduff | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Butter | Philip | Straduff | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Butter | Michl | Straduff | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Butter | Thomas | Straduff | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Byrne | Daniel | Warrens Ullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Canfield | John | Shangarry | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Carty | Andrew | Shean | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Carty | Patt | Shean | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clorory | John | Ballaghmore | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clowry | Ellen | Knockbrack | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clowry | John | Kilmaglish | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clowry | Martin | Kilmaglish | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clowry | Patt | Kilmaglish | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clowry | Darby | Kilmaglish | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clowry | Wilm | Ballaghmore | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clowry | Patt | Lisaconly | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clowry | Peter | Roslee Vullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Clowry | Roslee Vullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 | |
Collier | Abel | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Collier | Willm | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Collier | Abel | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Collier | Willm | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Collier | Saml | Sir Richd Ullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Comeford | Patt | Knocktrimagh | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Conner | Bridget | Ballenrush | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Connor | Michl | Roslee Vullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Connor | Patt | Roslee Vullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Coogan | James | Kilmaglish | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Cooke | Edward | Straduff | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Cornwall | John | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Cornwall | John | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Cornwall | John | Lisaconly | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Corrigan | Wilm | Ballenacrea | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Corrigan | James | Ballenacrea | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Corrigan | Saml | Ballenacrea | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Cummins | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 | |
Cummins | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 | |
Cummins | John | Sir Richd Ullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Cummins | James | Turlane | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Cummins | Patt | Turlane | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Cummins | Raheenwood and Boldorough | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 | |
Curran | Denis | Knocktrimagh | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Curren | Henry | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Curren | Henry | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Darcy | Murtagh | Raheenwood and Boldorough | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Dawson | Sarah | Warrens Ullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Dillon | Judith | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Dillon | Francis | Shean | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Dixon | George | Straduff | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Donahoe | Edward | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Donohoe | Edward | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Doyle | Elizabeth | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Doyle | Elizabeth | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Doyle | Owen | Knockbrack | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Doyle | John | Shangarry | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Doyle | Neal | Shean | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Doyle | Martin | Shean | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Doyle | Alexander | Knocktrimagh | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Doyle | Bridget | Knocktrimagh | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Doyle | Ann | Knocktrimagh | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Dunn | Laurence | Cranaruss | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Dunn | Winfred | Cranaruss | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Eustace | Oliver | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Eustace | Thos | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Eustace | Oliver | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Eustace | Thos | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Fagan | Simon | Coolnashegan | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Fagan | John | Aclare | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Farrall | Hugh | Shean | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Farrel | Patt | Cranaruss | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Farrel | Garnet | Cranaruss | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Farrel | Laurence | Cranaruss | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Feltus | Adam | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Feltus | Adam | Myshall | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Fenlen | Martin | Roslee Vullard | Myshall | Carlow | 1827 |
Next 100
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