Search results: Displaying results 741 - 750 of 29369
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Swift | Thomas | Raveege | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
Turner | George | Raveege | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
Talon | Pat | Raveege | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
Dolan | John | Bracklone | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
Dolan | James | Bracklone | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
Fetherston | Martin | Bracklone | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
Fetherston | James | Bracklone | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
Fetherston | Martin | Bracklone | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
Irwin | Robert | Bracklone | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
Brannelly | Michael | Fohernagh Lisnegrooh And Gonaghie | Ballintober | Roscommon | 1832 |
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