Search results: Displaying results 61 - 70 of 44392
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Gorman | Timothy | Garrynagourd Barony Of Clanwilliam | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 |
Hayes | Michael | Garrynagourd Barony Of Clanwilliam | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 |
Shechan | Garrynagourd Barony Of Clanwilliam | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 | |
Molony | Michel | Caherconreafy | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 |
Healy | Timothy | Caherconreafy | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 |
Mcmahon | Roger | Caherconreafy | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 |
English | John | Boheroe | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 |
Rinameane | Richard | Boheroe | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 |
Laffan | Michael | Boheroe | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 |
Michael | Thos Dea | Boheroe | Aglishcormick | Limerick | 1826 |
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