Search results: Displaying results 2761 - 2770 of 14494
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Tierny | Jno | Barnagrotty Near The Road | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 |
Dwire | Thomas | Barnagrotty near the road | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 |
Healy | James | Barnagrotty | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 |
Michael | Barnagrotty | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 | |
Mcdonnell | Barnagrotty | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 | |
Feeny | Terry | Barnagrotty | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 |
Armittage | Ben | Barnagrotty | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 |
Coonan | Tony | Barnagrotty | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 |
Molony | Timothy | Barnagrotty | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 |
Mcgill | John | Barnagrotty | Borrisnafarney | King's | 1828 |
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