Search results: Displaying results 581 - 590 of 26942
Surname | Forename | Townland/Street | Parish | County | Year |
Sweeny | Dennis | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
Coffey | Timothy | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
Sullivan | Timothy | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
Shea | Dennis | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
Sullivan | Daniel | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
Sullivan | Patrick | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
Sullivan | Wm Of Darby | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
Coumane | Wm Of Step | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
Sullivan | Denis | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
Lynch | John | Gurthucollopo | Aghadoe | Kerry | 1824-1834 |
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