Browse the Tithe Applotment Books
Townlands in Kilglass (Roscommon)
- Aghoo
- Augamanon Nugent
- Aughamanon Neugent
- Aughamanon O Brien
- Aughamanon OBierne
- Aughamanor OBurne
- Aughamasion OBurne
- Bally Kilelien
- Bally Kitchen
- Ballyfeeny
- Ballykilcline
- Ballymartin
- Ballymelan
- Ballymilan
- Ballymoylin
- Banaloolla
- Barrardalla
- Barrawalla
- Canouns Keheen
- Caragins
- Caragius
- Carrick
- Carrigans
- Carrigeen
- Carrounskeheen
- Carrownskeheen
- Carvel
- Cawel
- Cloneenainl
- Cloneenawil
- Cloneennaughton
- Clooneen Duffey
- Clooneen Naughton
- Clooneen Noughton
- Clooneenaughton
- Clooneenawil
- Clooneenduffy
- Clooneennoughton
- Corgowan
- Crunkill
- Crunkill Lower
- Crunkill Upper
- Culbeg
- Curgowan
- Denylara
- Derry Cafflea
- Derrycaffh
- Derrycaffle
- Derryfeacle
- Derrylara
- Derrymacstin
- Derrymacstur
- Dooan
- Doorlatagh
- Dooslattagh
- Dorvane
- Dowane
- Drumagissaun
- Drumenardly
- Druminmore
- Drumman More
- Drummanmore
- Drumminnion
- Drummoy
- Duross
- Gillstown
- Glan
- Glebe
- Hallaghmacoumith
- Island
- Island A Part Of Cawel
- Kerlagh
- Kilgarrow
- Kilglass
- Kilgraffy
- Killastalliff
- Killeegan
- Killeegan O Brien
- Killeegan O Brienk
- Killeegan OBeune
- Killeegan Obeune
- Killistaliff
- Kilmore
- Kilmore House
- Kilnagha
- Kilnagha More
- Kilnaghamore
- Kilnahamal
- Knockall
- Knockhall
- Knockhall Flanagan
- Lagan
- Lavagh
- Lavagh Derreen
- Lecarrow
- May Glaps
- Moher
- Moyglap
- Moyglass
- Muckanagh Balf
- Muckanagh Coote
- Muckinacoote
- Mullaghmacormick
- O Beirne
- Rattinagh
- Rinefarna
- Rinifama
- Rinifarna
- Rooaun
- Rowane
- Slataghbeg
- Slattagh Beg
- Slattagh More
- Slattaghbeg
- Slattaghmore
- Tully