Browse the Tithe Applotment Books
Townlands in Naas (Kildare)
- Balincobe
- Blackhall
- Blue Bell
- Bluebell
- Broadfield
- Broadfield or Cradorstown Residence Naas
- Broadfield or Cradoxtown
- Bwadfield
- Bwadfield or Cradortown
- Dubbin
- Jigginstown
- Jigginstown and Osberstown
- Johnstown
- Kildare
- Killishee
- Killishee or Farnalagh
- Killishee or Tamalaugh
- Knot
- Knox
- Manolins
- Maudlins
- Maudlins and Montreath
- Maudluis
- Maudlus
- Monread
- Monread and Maudlinds
- Monread and Maudlins
- Monread and Osberstown
- Montrath
- Montreath
- Montreath and Mandlins
- Montreath and Osberstown
- Montualh
- Moristown
- Mouread
- Mouread and Maudlins
- Mouread and Osberstown
- Naas
- Naas Maudlins
- Naas Monheath
- Naas Residence Monread
- Naas and Jigginstown
- Naas and Jigginstown Residence,Naas
- Naas and Jiggistown
- Naas and Maudlins
- Naas and Monread
- Naas and Montreath
- Naas and Osberstown
- Nawdlins
- Oberstown
- Oldtown
- Osberstown
- Osberstown Monheath
- Osberstown and Monread
- Osberstown and Mounath
- Rallihasear
- Rathasker
- Residence Borehard
- Residence Dubbin
- Robertstown
- Upper Leick